Friday, November 14, 2003

Our Highest Good

For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” (Romans 7:19) I’m sure this is a verse that many of us are familiar with, as we can nod our heads in identification with Paul! We struggle and often wonder why it always seems so difficult for our actions to correspond with our ‘values’…

Our actions stem from what we fix as our ‘highest good’ in life – the apex of our beliefs, the ultimate value. Therefore in order to change our actions, we must go to the root of the problem, which is what we fix as our ‘highest good’.

For some, the ‘highest good’ in life is happiness, and for others, pleasure. Everything that they do and the decisions they make revolve around maximising their happiness or pleasure. Their purpose in life therefore would be to be as happy as possible, or to enjoy themselves to the max! Doesn’t that sound like what some of the friends around us echo? “Eat, drink, and be merry…for tomorrow we die”. What a waste if our value system is centred on something that ends prematurely on this earth and is not carried forward to our life eternal!

So what then should be our ‘highest good’? The answer is found clearly in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” We need to adopt the kingdom of God as our ‘highest good’, and the motivation behind each and every thing that we do should be a reflection of this.

Most, if not all parents, desire for their children to study hard and do well in school. However, the underlying motivation is usually so that they can look forward to enjoying a comfortable life, as opposed to excelling for the glory of God. From this we can see financial security being made the ‘highest good’. For most Singaporeans, this is not uncommon as financial security determines when we get married, how many children we have, what kind of jobs we go for, and how hard we work. Having been brought up with success and financial security as their main motivation, children naturally grow up with the same value systems, passing on the same mindsets to their children…and so the cycle continues!

Even the simplest things such as exercising can be a reflection of our ‘highest good’. Is our motivation behind regular exercise and a healthy diet to look beautiful in the eyes of the world? Or do we want to keep our bodies fit should the Lord call us one day to bring the Gospel over mountains and through the jungles to people who have yet to hear the Good News? Well, personally I find it easier to find my motivation in the former as much as I would like to admit otherwise…

Some others, who do not establish their ‘highest good’, live ‘compartmentalised’ lives – orienting specific aspects of their lives around various values, as opposed to a single one. In church, we may display certain behaviour, manner of speech, or type of dressing. During the other six days of the week we may have an entirely different wardrobe or engage in activities we hope others may never come to know. This is simply a reflection of a lack of consistency and coherence in our values. Without first establishing our ‘highest good’, the order of our values will change together with our moods and influences.

Nothing will change in our lives till we change our ‘highest good’, and in order to become Christ-like, we have to replace our personal values with Biblical values. Stop for a moment and re-evaluate if the kingdom of God is your ‘highest good’. Does your ‘highest good’ need tweaking today?

Sunday, September 14, 2003

What If?

The might-have-beens
How often do we catch ourselves whiling our time away mulling over the what-ifs and might-have-beens in our lives? Career ventures that did not materialise, relationships that were not meant to be, opportunities past…choices made at a point in time that result in life-altering decisions. Box-office movies such as “Sliding Doors” and “Run, Lola, Run”, go a step further in encouraging us to ponder the impact of seemingly inconsequential actions upon our lives. In “Sliding Doors”, the flight of fantasy sees the protagonist experience two completely different versions of life by sheer dint of whether or not she catches a train. Likewise at times, we may subconsciously toy with ideas of how differently we might be living if certain decisions or events in our lives had taken on another course…

The will of God
However, as Christians, we must guard against these thoughts, as they are what the concept of fate and chance is built upon. Believing on the Lord Jesus means trusting God’s sovereign control in every single aspect of our lives. Our perfect, omniscient Creator does not leave anything in the hands of the capricious nature of fate and chance but on the contrary, makes sure that “all things work for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”

Bearing in mind this reassurance we have, as missionary to Ecuador Jim Elliot puts it succinctly in one of his life maxims: “Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” With this focus in place, and an unquenchable passion for the life given us, we will find it easier to be joyful and confident in whatever circumstances God places us in. And by not doubting that it is nothing less than His perfect plan and purpose – not for our personal gain, but for His and His alone, we make ourselves more mouldable in His hands and more adept for His use.

That I may know Him
In the light of the knowledge of God, past disappointments and present heartbreaks don’t matter, although the plain fact is that to most of us, they do. Paul, in Philippians 3:8 wrote, “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.” As such, when we place such vain thinking beside the glories of knowing Christ – not simply intellectually, but experientially and personally – they become not just worthless, but detestable as they pale in comparison to the marvellous work He is doing in us, in whatever station He has placed us in life for His greatest glory.

“If I look back longingly upon what used to be,
and linger among the byways of memory,
so that my power to help is weakened,
then I know nothing of Calvary love.”
- Amy Carmichael, “If”

Let us be careful not to fall into the temptation of wallowing in regret or slipping into bitterness and gloom as we brood on the might-have-beens, but instead, see opportunities to draw strength from our Father and lean wholly on Him. Part of knowing God is not thinking of things we have missed, only of what we have gained.

All for Christ
Like Paul, do we have the desire to lay our all on the altar of sacrifice so “…that [we] may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death”? How are we ensuring that we are living out the purposes of our Lord in where He has placed us?

May we all in His mercy, be able make it our sincere prayer that our unwavering priority would be to know Him as beautifully expressed by the songwriter of this old hymn,

We have not known Thee as we ought,
Nor learned Thy wisdom, grace, and power;
The things of earth have filled our thought,
And trifles of the passing hour.
Lord, give us light Thy truth to see,
And make us wise in knowing Thee.
- Thom­as B. Pol­lock -

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Missions - the Bigger Picture

We have come to the end of a series of presentations on missions, and hopefully this will become a starting point of thinking and discovering of how our individual lives fit in God’s plan of world evangelisation! Oftentimes, we are tempted into believing that missions is the work for spiritual giants such as William Carey and Hudson Taylor, while the rest of us ‘ordinary people’, can take a backseat in this area which ‘God has not called us to?’ …No? But if that is not the case, then what exactly is missions? And who is it for?

1. What?
As mentioned by Pastor in the first session of Open Class, the entire Bible is the revelation of God’s redemptive plan for mankind. Hence, the mission of God is precisely His redemptive plan for mankind, and missions is God’s people – us, carrying out God’s mission.

2. Who?
Every true believer, without exception, is called to missions. Contrary to what most think, missions is certainly not an option, and the church has a responsibility, which is to be shouldered by every single member. The Great Commission stated in Matthew 28:18-30 to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…” is still binding to all disciples of Christ.

However, this does not mean that all of us are to drop everything we are doing and plunge straight into the mission field as missionaries. The difference to this call to missions is the role we play, i.e. either as senders or goers. But whatever the role, there should be no uncertainty about the purpose and plan of God, and there ought to be no hesitancy in obedience, commitment, and action on our part. While we may not all be called to be missionaries, we are all most certainly called to missions! As Jesus said in John 20:21, “…as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” Every heart with Christ is a missionary. Every heart without Christ is a mission field.

3. How about now?
Even as our hearts are filled with thanksgiving and joy because of what Christ Jesus has done for the remission of our sins, and at the same time feeling the great burden to bring this good news of salvation to those who have yet to hear, how are we fulfilling our role as ambassadors for Christ in the world today? Are our lights shining forth clearly into the darkness of human depravity?

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
– Matthew 5:14-16

Are our lives a true reflection of the work God has done in us? Are we eager to talk about our Christian faith with our friends and family?

As senders, how are we investing our resources now towards the furtherance of God’s kingdom? Do we keep ourselves updated and spend time uplifting the mission work of our church in prayer? Does a portion of our money consistently go to the support of missions? Are we thirsting to find out more about missions and evangelism, and keen to equip ourselves through classes such as Evangelism Explosion (E.E.)?

Let us be found faithful in doing our part to ensure the preaching of the gospel to every nation, tribe, people, and tongue…and only then shall Christ return.