Sunday, March 28, 2004

Free with a Cost

Just think for a second…what does it really mean to be free? A quick check on the internet throws up a common definition: “not being controlled by obligation or the will of another”, and terms such as “freedom of choice” and “free act of the will”. We often label ourselves as having freedom in Christ but is this the definition that often dictates our perception of this freedom? Does true freedom constitute being able to do things our own way without obligation to anything? Without being controlled by the will of God?

Free, not to do what we want. We think to be free means the ability to choose what we want for ourselves. But God says with true freedom, we are free to do what God wants. Isn’t that an inherent contradiction, you ask? No. Freedom, as with other elements such as love, jealousy, and anger, is perfectly embodied in God, but has been marred and distorted by the sinful nature of man. Freedom to do whatever we want would ultimately lead us back into slavery to our selfish, depraved desires. This false freedom leads to death, both physically and spiritually. However, by the amazing grace of God, we are now truly free to be able to do what was impossible before – living lives in obedience and surrender to God. Freedom is not independence from God but rather dependence on Him. The wonderful fruit that is produced by living in harmony with God is all the things that pertain to life abundant!

God’s laws free us. “Free” would probably be one of the last words we would use to describe laws and regulations. “Restrictive”, “limited” and “constrained” are but some of the words that would come to mind more easily! However in Psalms 119:45, David says this, “I will walk at liberty: for I seek Thy precepts [laws].” In a talk that he gave last Thursday, Ravi Zacharias illustrated this using a game of tennis – rules are there to protect the game so that we can derive true enjoyment and fulfillment in playing the game. Similarly only when we live by God’s rules, will we then be able to experience the true wonder of life for all its worth!

Free with a Cost. Yes, we can be truly free in Christ, but let us bear in mind the heavy price that was paid so that this freedom can be made available to us. The Son of God, God Himself, came down to earth, emptied and humbled Himself to bleed and die on the cross for you and me! Can there possibly be any thought that is more overwhelming than this? Jesus Himself is the truth that sets us free – “ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…if the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:32, 36). He is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what is right.

Because Christ came to set us free, we are now free to obey out of love, not necessity through power that is not our own, but that of the Holy Spirit.

Because Christ came to set us free, we are now free to follow God. Freed to be all that God intended for us to be when He created us in His image. Freed to fulfill our true purpose in life.

Because Christ came to set us free, we are free to choose life; not death.

C.S. Lewis puts it this way in The Great Divorce: “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’”

Now would you rather be free to choose or choose to be free?

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
Galatians 5:1