Sunday, October 22, 2006

Losing to Gain

What approach exactly should one take in the asking for God’s blessing for things or in endeavours? Frankly this can be quite a tricky issue since Scripture has much to say about it, and by cherry-picking what we want to hear, there is a tendency to create our own tidy little theology about God and the subject of blessing without combing Scripture in its entirety in order to gain a balanced perspective.

For the Wisdom Literature module that I recently completed at ABTS, the assignment required me to write a paper on one proverb - Proverbs 11:24. Though I was clueless at the start as to how to churn out an entire paper on just two short lines, I was amazed to discover many relevant truths and biblical principles relating to the matter of blessing and prosperity along the way…

"There is that scatters, and yet increases;
and there is that withholds more than is meet,
but it tends to poverty."
Proverbs 11:24

At first glance, this proverb appears paradoxical as it seems to runs counter to our ordinary experience and expectations. Mathematically speaking, one does not have more of something when it is given away, and in keeping something, it ought not to diminish either. However the picture that is painted here is that of economic activity in an agricultural setting. In order to reap in abundance, the farmer has to first scatter the seed liberally, far and wide. On the flipside, the converse holds true that when the farmer withholds from sowing seed, he cannot expect to harvest any crop as well. The sowing and scattering of the seed in the initial stages is an investment for the payout of future dividends. The literal interpretation of this verse is that the harvest is directly proportional to the amount of seed sown.

Some have taken this proverb along with other similar verses in Scripture, as a ‘key’ to unlock the promises of physical wealth and blessing through giving or doing good. Also known as the prosperity gospel, the theory is that one can give to get. The act of giving thus becomes motivated by the self-seeking desire to be personally prosperous, and the sovereign work of God is reduced to a simplistic formula, making Him out to be no more than the proverbial genie-in-a-bottle. What then ought to be our biblical response?

1. POSSESS a giving spirit
Firstly, we need to recognise that generosity and blessing is more than material. More than monetary generosity, having a giving spirit is the giving of our time, talents and resources both to God, as well as to others. Similarly, money or achievements are not the only forms of blessing and prosperity that we can receive. With our minds and our intellect, we learn that one of the best ways to learn is to teach; when we serve those who lack, we gain a renewed appreciation for we have - our health, abilities, loved ones. Our ability to give freely is really what helps set our priorities aright and gives us true freedom from the uncertainties and insecurities of life.

In addition, we are blessed to be a blessing. God enriches not just for our personal comfort but that we in turn might be instruments of His blessing - "being enriched in everything, to all bountifulness, which causes through us thanksgiving to God" (2 Cor 9:11). Some of us may be blessed with material riches or lifted up to prominent places in society that God may be glorified through us to the watching world as in the case of Abraham (Gen 12:1-3).

2. PERCEIVE God as the true source
Secondly, we ought to acknowledge that all that we are and have come from the Lord Himself. Hence when God blesses, we thank Him; when God takes away, we are able to thank Him as well as best illustrated by Job’s example, "Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return...the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21). We also have the faith that God is able to bless us "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Eph 3:20), and will work all things for good to those that love Him (Rom 8:28). When we surrender completely to His purposes for our lives, we have the wonderful assurance that there is nothing that will take place outside His will for us.

3. PRACTICE good stewardship
Finally, Christ demands faithfulness in the work He has entrusted us to do. It does not matter if we are given ten talents or just one; much wealth or modest possessions; health and vigour or a frail being. The expectation is the faithful administration of what we have, even in our vocation at work or as a student. A biblical faith which centers on Christ and not ourselves focuses on how we can go about furthering our Master’s interest as opposed to having a constant fixation on how we can bring increase to ourselves. This balanced perspective of stewardship then enables us to both rightly claim the beautiful promises of God’s blessings, and practically heed His admonitions to invest in the work of His kingdom.

We give as we have been given.

We trust the heart of the Giver as we faithfully do our part.

We believe that in order to gain true blessing, we have to lose our desire to determine for ourselves what is best, trusting the God who does know best.

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